
Your Dirty 30’s Starter Pack

So, you’re on the cusp of a new decade, standing at the threshold of your thirties. It’s a time of transition, of bidding farewell to the carefree days of youth and embracing the wisdom that comes with experience. And as I delved into conversations with those who have either reached their thirties or are venturing into this transformative phase, a resounding theme echoed through their words: self-awareness and growth. It seems that something magical happens when we cross that threshold into our third decade. It’s as if a switch is flicked, and suddenly, we’re bestowed with a fresh perspective, a heightened sense of who we are and who we want to become. It’s a period of introspection, of unraveling the layers of our identities, and discovering the true essence that lies within.

What just is it about the big 3-0? The age of 30 becomes a gateway to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Here are some amazing things you’ll realize as you approach or hit age 30:

  1. You begin to develop a deeper understanding of yourself – your values, strengths, weaknesses, and desires. This newfound self-awareness allows you to make more intentional choices and pursue a life that aligns with your truest self.
  2. You start to recognize the importance of meaningful relationships, personal growth, and overall well-being, and you let go of things that no longer serve your path.
  3. You have accumulated experiences and learned valuable lessons along the way. This builds a sense of confidence in your abilities, decisions, and actions, empowering you to tackle challenges with a greater sense of self-assurance.
  4. You become more aware of your boundaries and learn to establish them in various areas of your life. You become more assertive in saying no to things that don’t align with your values, ensuring your time and energy are invested in what truly matters to you.
  5. You start to prioritize saving, planning for the future, and making smarter financial decisions that set the stage for long-term stability and security.
  6. You appreciate the value of authentic relationships and invest time and effort into nurturing them.
  7. You realize that nobody is perfect, and you learn to love and appreciate yourself for who you are, flaws and all.
  8. You prioritize exercise, nutrition, and self-care, recognizing the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for long-term vitality.
  9. With age comes a greater appreciation for the lessons life has taught you. You recognize that both successes and failures have shaped you into the person you are today, and you embrace them as valuable learning experiences.
  10. You let go of comparison, societal expectations, and the need for external validation, and instead focus on living authentically and finding joy in the present moment.

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